i suddenly feel so motivated to read this book, i dont know why
i am like highlighting all the important parts
and making sure i absorb everything
i never felt so engross in a christian book before....
DAY 1 : love is patient
- love is life's most powerful motivator
- it always does what is best for others and can empower us to face the greatest problems
- love is built on two pillar that best defines what it is, patience and kindness
- love will inspire you to be a patient person
- when you are patient, you choose to respond in a positive way to a negative situation
- you are slow to anger
- you choose to have a long fuse instead of a quick temper
- love helps you settle down and begin extending mercy to those around you
- patience brings an internal calm during an external storm
- anger is usually caused when the stong desire for something is mixed with disappointment and grief
- anger is often an emotional reaction that flows out of our own selfishness, foolishness, or evil motives
- patience makes us wise
- patience doesn't rush to judgement but listens to what the other person is saying
"He who is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who is quick-tempered exalts folly" proverbs 14:29
"A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but the slow to anger clams a dispute" proverbs 15:18
- patience is where lvoe meets wisdom
- patience understands that everyone fails. when a mistake is made, it chooses to give them one more time that they deserve to correct it. it gives you the ability to hold on during the tough times in your relationship rather than bailing out under pressure
" see that no one repays another with evil for evil, but always seek after that which is good for one another" 1 thessalonians 5:15
- patience is a good starting point to demonstrate true love
Day 2: love is kind
- kindness is love in action
- patience avoids a problem; kindness creates a blessing
- love makes you kind and kindess make you likeable
"do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of yoru heart. so you will find favor and good repute in the sigh of God and man" proverbs 3:3-4
- gentleness-you are sensitive and tender, you speak the truth in love
- helpfulness
- willingness- a kind husband ends thousand of potential arguements by his willingness to listen first rather than demand his way
- initiative- when acting from kindness, you see the need, then make your move first
" she opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness in her tongue" proverbs 31:26
- love is the truest sense is not based on feelings
- love determines to show thoughtful actions even when there seems to be no reward
- you will never learn to love until you learn to demonstrate kindness
today just got back my science test 2 results
a hard paper, which i studied hard for the wrong chapter....
i just prayed for a pass and i got
and teacher also wrote the word AWESOME there
hahah : DDD
praise GOD!
i want to reach mum's christian book 'love dare'
it is something about marrige thing
i think it would be rather weird for me to read,
but at least i will have the knowledge!
the hectic week begins,
and i started off school all sleepy..
though i am not really tired now,
i have to rush for tuition later!
and study too,
i am also coming down with a sore throat........
i am singing this sunday!
who passed it to me???!!!
what ying ying said is very true
how can God give me an opportunity when i practically have no time?
so if He offers me this chance
i should do it!
i have time as God is in control
study time!
to please rachel raja.
chris chew created a facebook account for me.....
so lazy to use.........
" And these are the ones by the wayside where the word is sown. And when they hear, Satan comes immediately and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts."
i think this is so true
how many times have we go to a camp, worship, sermon
that ministered to us so much
we got bless by it,
and we changed
however, after a few months, weeks or even days
we are back to our old usual self?
i have seen many done that , including
i myself have ministered to people before, but the change never last
i just you can just call it a "one day thing"
it never last, and that is what disappoints me....
i treasure good ones, but not the i-dont-care one
i need a friend who can listen, who can advise, who can always be there for a hug and has outstanding amount of patience......
somehow, i do not feel i have that friend yet....
but i know God will bring that friend soon
maybe i already have that friend
just that my eyes were not open
my ears did not hear
i regret that.....i shall be open now
i am not like other people
i do not put the same gender first
as in, i put those who are right first
example there are two groups of people and i have to choose which side to pick
first group is girls, second boys
but the fault is in the girls, do i side them???
no, i dont, and that is a firm ans,
i choose the group that is right, that deserve to be chosen
i make sure what i choose is a godly one
church today, woke up super early as was at church like at 7am?
i am not late!!!!
was playing the piano there, waiting for time to pass haha!
worship was good,
dont know whether i spoil my voice, but not bad
then went for tracting,
and got scared off by a dog....
then went for lunch,
went to subway and sat with chris, prak n johnny
a lot of things to talk, and prak takes up a lot of space
then had drama prac, super funny
then went home at 3,
rainning like mad,
entire clothing got drench, embarrassin.....i was wearing white!
what is coming up? a hectic week
wed-support trampolin
fri-geog test and drama prac
sat-backup, sch drama performance, drama prac
tomorrow have compo test too!!!!!!!!
gotta start mugging!
thanks to all who help me find it
hee hee
it turned out to be in uncle jeffrey's car....opps?
i am worshiping leading for cell that is 3 weeks later
and i am totally freaking out
i dont know what to do
songs, bla bla bla
i need God's guiding hands
need to study for geog
tmr church!
have to be there like at 7.15am?
back up tmr
i think i am going to wear maternity-like clothings
to match mummy dani
earth hour soon! i think i will off everything and have fun in the dark!!!
chinese test today
can just scream
it is totally not what i expected.....
drama cheered me up,
but receiving my new ez link spoilt my whole mood
argh......i look like a dumbo in the pic
i was pri 6 then
no sense of fashion and a horrible hair do too
and they used that pic,
of all pic.
i have nothing to say
just gonna paste something over it
cell today was alright
before cell,
nat, rachel and i were in one of the 3rd floor rooms plraying guitars
super awesome!
i love my baby taylor.
i am cramping all my studies
got chinese test tomorrow
and just found out tested on something weird.....
argh, mugging it now
my head is gonna burst!
then there is the geog test
i just realise about the limited time i have
sat, got church prac, tuition
sun, church, relax
mon, study!!!!
tues, CIP trip
wed, support trampolin team
thurs, cca outing to terminal 3 for some helping thing
fri, TEST!
sat, drama performance
ARGH! no time!!!!
and next week got
geog test, chi compo test, lit test..............
i hope tomorrow i will still be in the mood to go
to chuch early and guitar with rachel, and maybe nat
no lessons tmr, weiyi got stuff to do
we wanna cope the youth room and just slack and play there
i wanna guitar, i wanna relax,
but with all these,
i think i just cant......
please help me.......
i dont wanna rely on my own strength but on Yours
all things are possible through Christ who strengthens me......
~ Aldous Huxley
yes, i experience failing..... but i dont think i have truely failed yet
i fail when i give up, and i am not
failing will not be my experience,
overcoming failing will be!!!
"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."
~ Unknown
i know why i held on for so long,
i had hope,
i did not want this kind of endings
i believe there can be a change
just like there can be a twist in stories
i can do it,
if i try
and hold on
ps: not everything is refering to studies here
i really hope i can meet expectations
some subjects they really expect a lot from me,
which is rather impossible for me to get
higher chinese- they expect a b3?
hullo? i got straigh b4 last year???
all things are possible through Christ...
next week, exactly next week
gonna go and watch trampolin nationals
it is gonna be so cool, flips and everything..
go st nichs!
spend recess with xin ru today,
such a cute girl,
but so way bigger than we,
people think she is older than me
yeah i am young!
anyway, we talked about a lot of church stuff
it is so cool communicating with your "junior"
everyone was like, huh? senior junior so close????
i feel different, i wana mix with everyone!
done my geog notes
and i spent 1 and a half hours doing david cheo's tuition hw
my brain almost burst.....
level 3 maths.
i dont know why
but this song has been in my head
i feel like playing game again!
anyway, study hard, play hard!
and the result are eye-killing
i can just whack my head right now
deprove like mad,
some results are maintained,
but ARGH!
i should not have failed my chinese n lit test paper
now i only have a c6 for those two
they pulled my grades down like mad
i should still thank God for passing those subjects
i could have gotten a d7 or worst
today has homework,
i better do it quickly
i need to revise for geog,
it is a huge topic to study
i dreamt that i have an i phone
oh my
i really pray and wish i get an i phone.....
i shall not ask anyone to tag my blog
like order
or something like that
i mean,
if you wanna tag just tag,
i shall not ask anyone to tag, like a force
sorry to those who got offended!
oh to do work
and i am super tired.... especially during class
horray, i think i love acc!
i got a b3!
i pass!
got into chinese remedial though,
well expected it,
it better help me improve,
my hair looks weird when tired, with all the clips everywhere
get well my friends~
church today was awesome!
i really thank God for giving me the courage to step forward to receive prayer
i needed it
no one understands more that Jesus..
what daniel said was true,
i did needed God, i cannot carry my burdens myself, i need help
i am not a super woman.....i am still a little girl
rachel raja, is super sweet
i just love her........ yes,
maybe only i call her sweet, but i can see her,
inside her, she is a wonderful lady
you just have to observe
nathalie, cute girl is sick
get well soon!
zhangyi, i am sorry for not bringing you the almond cookies
i only brought for those who ask,
rachel, nat, abel , johnny.....SO SORRY!
and i just realise how kind this group of people are
helping me up and down,
just to find a book,
basically you need not care, need not help
but you guys did, awesome people you are!
thank you johnny, abel,matt,collin, lemmuel
haha you guys totally rock the day by helping me!
oh yes, and abel for spending his time in the library
searching the history section, for a book for me, thanks loads,
even though it cannot be found
and chris chew,
he is rediculously irriating, annoying, but nice
hahaha, he is just trying to be funny
by calling me tough.....
save trip to fatty benny
10 days in vietnam
10 days without my lit teacher, sad.....
if my results drop
i will blame ______________
haha kidding!
dunno whether to go to wake....
feel like sleeping
Chach says:
would you wanna call me cause i need inspiration to do homework(:
lydia♥ says:
nah cannot
lydia♥ says:
phone is outside
lydia♥ says:
n it is super scary outside
Chach says:
Chach says:
on the lights and get it.
lydia♥ says:
lydia♥ says:
then parents will know
Chach says:
use torchlight.
Chach says:
hahah nah just kdding nvm.
lydia♥ says:
aww sry
Chach says:
lydia♥ says:
now u making me feel bad
Chach says:
despite all my reasons,
why i cannot call her
she is still there for me
comforting me and staying with me
holidays and i am stressing myself on homework
this is so wrong
isnt holidays the time for rest?
what are all these stacks of hw and projects for?
first thing come back to school,
is to hand up a project then have tests
memorising macbeth now,
but surpisingly, it is rather easy to memorise
talked to rachel and johnny on the phone yesterday
i still think we talked for 6h!
anyway, it was rather random!
tmr is the last day of holiday,
great, awesome.........
actually if we did not have all the stress in school bla bla bla,
we will not even appreciate out holidays, cause it would still be the same
tmr got church,
and later most prob gonna watch movie
i want a great holiday
and i am still super tired.......
why must camps end so fast?
anyway, i am super tired
did not sleep the whole night,
i think only slept for 1h
was playing cards and some polar bear games until 5.30 am
then wanted to watch sunrise
but it was rainning again
then with abel n johnny playing their guitars
both rachel n i fell asleep
for 1h..
this camp has been a meaningful one to me
really, my expectations were like zero
came mainly to spend my holidays, have fun bla bla bla
never did i know that i would have reconciled with many friends,
understand my friends better and be bless
many hearts cried out to God yesterday during the ministry
and it was truely powerful
i came back with rashes cause of the afternoon games on grass
super itchy,
but hey it was awesome!
what did we do for the whole early morning?
12-5.30 etc?
we mostly played cards, games, slack and slack,
while sleeping they used my butt as a scoring zone
no wonder the basket ball keep on hitting me....
anyway, i never regreted going for this camp,
i wish i had the courage to talk to you that day and explain everything
guess it was not the time
okay, i think i will be doing a little bit of homework then
i will sleep
tomorrow got drama prac in church!
oh yeah,
i can just scream it out loud!
with me going unnecessarily stress n pressured,
i am so thankful to God for making all these possible!
i can only plan, but how can all the plans n ideas be made possible
without the greatest do-er or all- GOD?!
a 2 months plan,
really drive me nuts
a 1 month birthday card,
really drive me crazy....
the cake, people to invite, communicate with the mother, remind prak!, food etc.....
all that had to be planned
after church, the plan was carried out with nat n rachel leaving to their respective venues,one to syf, and another to picnic n city hall
but then, they went to church toilet, i had to find a way to get the birthday card out.
well, got it out, and had bout 6h to slack before the party.....
zy,me, abel,johnny, went to CITY HALL..
er, rachel is there? so unsafe, what if suddenly she pop up!
anyway, we spend 5-6h there, running around the city hall mrt,
went to guitar shops, shopping centre, slack and slack
and finally,
party time!
took mrt to marina bay and took one back to yishun,
we were all sleeping on the mrt!
drop off at yishun to collect rachel's birthday cake,
then set off to admiralty.
we were punctual!
and that is when i got super pressured by myself
saw prak n while waiting for the others,
he say rachel was already on the way back!
i was like starring at the mrt station,
scanning if i see rachel
and i went completely crazy
total stress out.....
soon, we left first, course i cannot take the pressure
and off to rachel's place
was still scanning at the people
at the house,
i was super happy to know that rachel was still not at home.
after setting up everything,
i needed a major bath!
so went to bath, but a super quick one
fearing rachel will come soon!
boy, i do needed that bath,
everything was ready,
the food came, oh ya, i did not know they ordered pizza.
and the people were all there,
even nat, who had to rush from syf place.
where was rachel
we waited for 1h,
well, i guess my prayer did work, super efficiently,
i prayed that rachel will be late!
anyway, we were there watching tv,
and i did some videoing
and yes, she finally came
with her expecting her cousin to give her a surpise, not us
we all hid at prak room
and they all off the lights
i did some videoing
while zy was looking for a lighter
GOSH, we forgot
soon rachel found a key to open the door
and she was stun!
then there was birthday songs,
and we did finally light up the cake
n after having wanting to say grace,
we started eating!
n then, there was the cutting of the super delicious n sweet cake
took many pics!
will post it soon...........
the cake was delicious, but i guess too sweet
haha, can get diabetes
opps?! nah!
soon, i had to go,
i had to be back home by 10!
oh gosh!
i started gettin pressured again....
fatty benny came to the "rescue", haha
so everyone went home,
took bus,
and went to yishun mrt interchange to take 853
it was already 10!
however, with fatty benny's talking,
time managed to pass quickly without me knowing!
then sat on the bus............
and benny had to send me straight home,
he took my father's words too seriously.......
anyway, got home, and sleep,
the day is finally over!!!!
family coming home from HK
got to do my work, and clean up room
tomorrow is get to know you camp!
i better end now!
i cut my hair today
short hair!
super tired now!!!
yesterday drama performance was great!
love it,
but it is nc 16 haha!
anyway it was a good one
it really how humour convinces people the most
yes, it is a great show.
holidays now!
but i have no mood to do my holiday hw!
get to know you camp in a few days......
tomorrow, is sunday!
yeah! chuch!
still looking for my guitar pick......
oh gosh, i cannot believe it
a1 for drama!
today had practical test,
and we only learn all the roles properly today!
during common test period!
yingying and peiyu are suppose to come to my house later
have not confirm yet
ohya, cause we are going to school later
then gonna watch drama performance at this place
not going cell then!
sorry laura,
i forgot to bring your birthday card!
family going off to HK soon,
dad just came back,
and i am feeling so jealous.........
i was HK food and shopping
anyway, i miss it for a good cause.......
smile lydia!
i lost my guitar pick!
grey one, and still looking!
where is it???
i have lost my guitar pick
the grey one!
oh gosh, i love that pic a lot,
i pray that i can find it!
great one week and this horrible flu have not go yet
my nose, tissue paper,
today, 1/3 of the bin was filled with both mine n ying's tissue paper
oh gosh, we are super sick
i do not know whether can do drama tomorrow,
mr adrain said that if i am not feeling well, can postpone,
but better get over with it right???
today was mrs cheong farewell celebration
yup, sec 2 j had to perform
ying and i wanted to back out,
as we cannot even sing, it is like straining out voice
but then,
when the time came, we went up too
and with out mightiest power,
we bear our sore throat pain, and sang like siao
after it,
our throat hurt so much!
anyway, glad it is over...........
last day of school tomorrow!
wait, need to bring all my books back
oh ya, and tomorrow is the drama play,
not going to cell then.....
starting on my holiday hw already....
super busy this sat...
go johnny to the max! (love that phrase)
science test is over, and that means
i can really feel the holiday mood coming....................
okay, yesterday i did not go school,
cause i am sick
well, i am still sick,
i hate flu,
i just wasted 2 packets of tissue paper......
what a waste
but hey! my voice is coming back
for those who enjoyed my manly voice,
er.......TOO BAD!
muahaha, i getting my voice back!
i cannot believe i have not sing for 2-3 days straight
life without music is horrible,
good thing there are piano and guitar for me to use
love them!
and i scored a1 for maths and science!
praise GOD!
if i dont get a1 for bio
i can just bang my head
anyway, i got a1! and i am super happy!
even though my this term results are such a disappointment,
such a drop!
i maintain my 2 best subject grades!
hair cut this sat!
plus i think my holiday is going to be packed
i am still looking for time to go out with friends,
or else must wait till june!
maybe i should conclude my saying:
as sayed by my classmates,
i sound horrible,
at least i had high pitch,
now i am totally low,
i almost fainted when i heard my voice today morning
today i went to school,
for the sake of science lesson
i have this science test this wed, and the teacher have not teach the whole topic yet
so i had to go for lesson,
i was almost snoring during acc,
must be the side effects of the medicine,
anyway, thanks to the awesome stories shared by my friends,
i managed to stay awake!
oh ya,
yesterday i forgot to post about johnny's awesome gifts from HK
can just make me go nuts and laugh around,
for once, i feel that someone appreciates the fact that i am still young,
and still needs the use of stationery ( nice way to put it)
haha, i still want rachel's mickey mouse one!
super cute!
yes, and i got the giant marshmellow as promise
sorry, abel n matt for taking the guy one, especially to matt who got daisy
haha, but it was a great time of laugh!
will take pics of the gifts and find a way to post it!
i think i am gonna set a yearly "resolution"
to give those ppl whose names appear in my handbook birthday section
a birthday card or present
so be happy to those whose names are already written!
aww man,
my nose is killing me
i already used up 3 packets o tissue paper in sch,
i gonna chop down so many trees!
i need to save the earth!
gwen rocks! gwee rocks!
i love their birthday present
by the way, i only receive gwen birthday present to me today
it is one month late,
but super thoughtful and cute,
gwen gave me this super cute GREEN bottle, with my fav sweet inside
plus this keychain with L in GREEN!
i got a cow from gwee
anyway they rock!
my parents still owe me my birthday presents
i think i am gonna sleep soon......
great...my body is aching!
i feel very sad especially the thought of a few years left...
better go rest
right now, i am kind of bored,
waiting to go to tuition...
yesterday had cell,
everyone was like missing!
super weird as i sat with a different group of people for dinner!
dani dragged me to play games, GREAT
i am super concious of dani now,
mummy dani, i am like protecting her,
lol, this cannot that cannot, haha! i am getting a bit naggy! : DDD
had guitar lessons with weiyi yesterday,
yeah! i am learning a lot
haha, anyway, ended lessons like at 6.20pm?
then went to bethal hall and used the grand piano there,
so shiok when i played river flow in you on that piano,
the sound is awesome!
i tried practising secret by jay chou,
it is so hard to coordinate both hands?
i was going mad
anyway, it was a musical day
yes, i had sore throat yesterday,
especially in school,
i cannot even talk,
so sad
well that actually saved me from presenting my speech on obama.
was comparing hands and face with jono and wanteng after cell,
jono has super smooth hands la!
but cannot compare with me! haha( face)
he was like, wait 2 more years or months, nah!
i will protect, then we started talking about the products we used.;
i love the secret by jay chou!
yeap! maths is over,
now have chinese literature
my head is dying
i thank God for helping me have the motivation to mug maths yesterday,
or else i would not have the paper super easy today
i finished in like 15 mins, and had time to redo paper
yes i pass my chinese and literature!
i cannot believe it!
i failed like the tests paper and only had
portfolios to boost my marks!
and i pass
i thank God for the a1 for lit portfolio!
tomorrow guitar lessons, yes!
i have been practising and my fingers are like torn
currently finished the entire piece of river flows in you
and learning the secret by jay chou,
back to
mugging acc!mugging acc!mugging acc!mugging acc!mugging acc!mugging acc!mugging acc!mugging acc!mugging acc!mugging acc!mugging acc!mugging acc!mugging acc!mugging acc!mugging acc!mugging acc!mugging acc!mugging acc!mugging acc!mugging acc!mugging acc!
for once, i have to study super duper hard for maths,
i really dislike factorisation algebra whatever,
i feel super dumb when i cannot solve the questions!
i always can solve and for once, i am stuck!
i have been like drilling my head into my maths assesment books,
and i really think my head is gonna crash,
what would i dream tonight,
a x b=ab
or some weird equations like a+b-y(7z square x 8) = 1247685644385
arh! poor brain
all these poor studying has made my brain a single sided one
during the holidays i better start using my imaginative side of my brain
as you know, or can see
i have not been coming up with any ideas of guitars, my head is just blank
at least holidays are like next week, i can finally take time to do my stuff
maybe i should give thanks first,
cause i got time to play guitar and piano everyday
that reminds me,
i have not watch tv for so long!!!!!!!!!!!!
the day after tomorrow will be acc test,
i have not memorise that chinese poem and meaning
i dont really bother,
but have to do it,
just do my best can already
today, health check up,
i am awesomely HEALTHY!
haha, thank God!
no problems with me
and i am growing normally,
so for those out there who calls me shortie,
haha, you guys are the odd ones out! MUAHAHA!
currently looking for more baby LYDIA pics! haha
i want to find many many
then add them all here,
actually i looking for some weird baby pics of me,
especially strange sleeping habits one,
i think that would be great
after looking through all my holiday planning,
i only have 4 full days to study during the holidays!
shoot, i am really gonna study WHOLE day on those 4 days,
yes, going to camp, get to know you camp,
i hope it would be fun!
i feel like playing guitar and piano now.......
for march
arh, there are some major things i need to do:
go out!
bla bla bla
i am so happy, i managed to finish my science notes on human circulatory system
so sian
but once it is done
you will be like, so proud of youself
i am currently trying to dig up my past,
which i have no memories of
what happened to me before i left for usa?
what happened to me in singapore when i was born?
who were the people i knew?
basic stuff i dont even though
i think i am suffering from STM or something
i want to get more baby pics! finding....
tomorrow, is health check
let nothing be wrong with me
johnny is in HK,
i hope he gets my almond biscuits,
or the hagao with *shit as suggested by someone
nothin much.....
I close my eyes
And the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony in summer air
See the lights
See the party, the ball gowns
I see you make your way through the crowd
And say hello, little did I know
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you please don't go, and I said
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes
So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while'
Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
But you were everything to me
I was begging you please don't go and I said
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes
Romeo save me, they try to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it's real
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story baby just say yes
Oh oh
I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you is fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said
Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said, marry me Juliet
You'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
It's a love story baby just say yes
Oh, oh, oh, oh'Cause we were both young when I first saw you
love story
by taylor swift
this is such a beautiful song, full of happily ever afters, haha, i prefer this song to the white horse one. lol!
yup, maybe this will be my song for the month?!
okay, i really think i look super cute!